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Photograph of woman balancing on exercise equipment

The changes in this young man's movement, coordination, flexibility and balance improved so much that his doctor recommended that he do even more sessions with me. What I learned then was how the body and mind can be conditioned into a coordinated response by learning repetitive, consistent patterns, especially coordination patterns. Further, I discovered that I could elicit more complex movements by teaching progressively and adding one tiny new piece at a time. This may not seem like a lot, but for someone with a neuro-degenerative condition it makes a huge difference which translates into improved movement in every day life activities.


Then, in Puerto Rico, I began to work with clients with various neurological related disorders like Fibromyalgia, Epilepsy, Stroke, and more Parkinson's. What I learned throughout those 14 years was that although conditions are diagnosed as degenerative, they can be immensely slowed and almost completely halted from progression, with the right care which includes low stress/stress management, good nutrition, consistent medication as prescribed by one's doctor, and of course EXERCISE! The most effective exercise regimens are the one's which include deep breathing, stretching, cardio, light strength training, and exercises to improve balance and coordination. I saw and experienced changes which made me a believer and staunch advocate of exercise as a deterrent to progressive neurological conditions.

Now, in San Jose I have been working with clients with Parkinson's Disease as well as other neuro-degenerative conditions, and again I am reminded of the importance of preserving the mind-body connection through mindful movement.  The work I do with clients involves constantly reinforcing the development of Somatic intelligence, attempting to find areas which need myo-fascial release, and manipulation of fascia to help create space in joints (decoaptation) practiced as ELDOA.


For me, the bottom line is with any neurodegenerative condition, you must keep moving as best you can. I believe the Pilates Method is the best and safest form of exercise and movement therapy for those suffering from these conditions, and especially Parkinson's Disease. This website, Pilates4Parkinsons, is part of that commitment to share the knowledge and resources available to anyone who wants to be Encouraged, has the desire to be Educated throughout their journey with Parkinson's, is ready to again feel Empowered, and is willing to make a significant lifestyle change which includes Exercise!  We can help with that!


In fitness & health, Cecilia

Trained by the Best

Among the many wonderful teachers I have had, the two that have really shaped my style of teaching and practice are Pilates Elder, Lolita San Miguel, and Dr. Suzanne Martin. 


Ms. San Miguel's strict eye for detail and insistence for the best possible movement out of each body, has taught me to strive towards the challenge point in my own practice, know that Pilates offers so many modifications, that I can elicit the movement desired from every body, and to be persistent in search of the principles of Pilates in every movement.  This approach exacts change.  


Dr. Martin contributed significantly to my global approach in viewing the body as a whole, helped me to develop an anatomical eye, and to see each body as uniquely perfect, and thus to work with compassion.

Photoraph of women smiling and holding certificate
Photograph of two women smiling

Dr. Suzanne Martin,


Pilates Elder, Lolita San Miguel

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