Learn as much as you can about PD so as your body changes, you will be able to maintain a firm sense of self, knowing what may be happening to you, and how you can modify to accommodate for those changes.
Participate in Your Own Health Care - ask your doctor every question you can think of, and if you are too overwhelmed, always bring someone who can advocate for you and listen for you. Sometimes listening skills are overshadowed by emotion and PD patients are listening for only the one thing they want to hear while discounting all the other information (for example: will this new medication help me drive better?). Also, sometimes it's difficult to understand 'Doctor language' although most doctors will hopefully take the time to explain everything until you are completely clear on all points. Ask permission if you can record your appointment so that you can research some of the things the doctor or therapist says later.
Maintain Your Independence - do as much as you can by yourself even if it takes more time (budget more time for yourself knowing you may need it to complete tasks that used to be mindless/easy, i.e., getting dressed in the morning).
Consistently follow your Self Care Plan - Exercise, Eat healthfully, maintain a low stress level, and take your medications on time!
Get Educated. Knowledge is empowering. Click these resources.
You have been diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. Now what? Here find some of the best resources with a brief description to save you time and energy. Our hope is that this information will help guide you as you begin to navigate your way through understanding the diagnosis. It is important that you learn as much as possible about your condition, and stay updated on the latest findings.
MOTTO: Better lives. Together.
MOTTO: Here. Until Parkinson's isn't.
MOTTO: Strength in optimism. Hope in progress.
MOTTO: Live well with Parkinson's TODAY!